Category for Mobility

Mobility and Access > Best Practices > 09 h
Pedestrians should never have to wait more than 90 seconds at signalized intersections.
Mobility and Access > Best Practices > 09 g
Prioritize the safety of pedestrians at intersections. Do not allow double (or triple) left or right turns concurrent (permissive) with pedestrian crossings at signalized intersections.
Mobility and Access > Best Practices > 09 f
Ideally, uncontrolled crossing distances should be no more than 21 feet.
Mobility and Access > Best Practices > 09 e
Create the right environment for pedestrians by providing amenities and protection from the elements, such as trees, shelters, adequate street lighting, etc.
Mobility and Access > Best Practices > 09 d
Provide sidewalk cross slope no greater than 2%.
Mobility and Access > Best Practices > 09 c
Provide a minimum 8-foot wide sidewalk on streets with relatively high volume of foot traffic.
Mobility and Access > Best Practices > 09 b
Provide a minimum 5-foot wide sidewalk on streets with a relatively low volume of foot traffic.
Mobility and Access > Best Practices > 09 a
Ensure universal access for people of all abilities.
Mobility and Access > Best Practices > 08 f
Reduce traffic management features that tend to encourage users of vehicles to assume priority.
Mobility and Access > Best Practices > 08 e
On level streets, address special needs of visually impaired people, children, people with restricted mobility, and people with learning difficulties to ensure that they are not put at increased risk. Always provide a minimum contiguous 5-foot wide ADA accessible path that has appropriate cues such as bollards, truncated domes, etc., at intersections.


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