Green Infrastructure > Best Practices > 07 d
Use stored solar energy from the road to power streetlamps and traffic signals.
Green Infrastructure > Best Practices > 07 c
Generate electricity from solar energy systems to reduce use of fossil fuel and carbon dioxide emissions.
Green Infrastructure > Best Practices > 07 b
Use stored solar energy from the road to melt the snow on the road.
Green Infrastructure > Best Practices > 07 a
Use stored solar energy from the road to heat and cool nearby buildings.
Mobility and Access > Best Practices > 07 e
Explore traditional and non-traditional intersection design to address the specific needs of traffic turning movements, local access, bike access and connectivity, etc.
Mobility and Access > Best Practices > 07 d
Design side access roads to have a different character through use of special paving that enhances its pedestrian-friendly character.
Mobility and Access > Best Practices > 07 c
Maximize space for medians, especially side medians, to allow space for canopy trees, street lighting, bus stops with seating/shelters, and pedestrian refuge. Prioritize space for medians over sidewalks. Ideally, central and side medians should be 10 inches to 30 inches wide to allow for trees, shrubs, etc.
Mobility and Access > Best Practices > 07 b
Design the side access roads for 10-20 mph with a 7-foot wide street parking lane and a 9- to 10-foot wide shared vehicle and bike travel lane. The travel lane width of the access road must be narrower than the through travel lane.


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