Mobility and Access > Best Practices > 07 a
Design the central roadway with through lanes operating at traffic between 30-45 mph and with through travel lanes that are 10 feet to 11 feet wide.
Urban Agriculture > Best Practices > 07 i
Practice seasonal crop rotation to reduce soil-borne diseases and to help maintain soil structure and fertility.
Urban Agriculture > Best Practices > 07 h
Create a holistic ecological connection to the larger green infrastructure network to create opportunities for beneficial animal and insect species to use the area.
Urban Agriculture > Best Practices > 07 g
To avoid waste matter on edibles, consider raising planters to a height that is out of reach of larger pets.
Urban Agriculture > Best Practices > 07 f
Ensure timely harvest management so that food is not left to waste or rot.
Urban Agriculture > Best Practices > 07 e
Monitor the planted areas regularly to check for any changes or disease.
Urban Agriculture > Best Practices > 07 d
Encourage plants that provide habitat and food sources for beneficial insects.
Urban Agriculture > Best Practices > 07 c
Use buffer zones with border area plantings (e.g., Queen Anne's lace) to encourage pest enemies, such as ladybugs.
Urban Agriculture > Best Practices > 07 b
Explore using insects that feed on pests, like predatory wasps.


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