Mobility and Access > Best Practices > 04 g
Use pedestrian scrambles where turning vehicles conflict with very high pedestrian volumes.
Mobility and Access > Best Practices > 04 f
Use pedestrian user-friendly intelligent (PUFFIN) signals, which detect slower pedestrians in crosswalks and add clearance interval time to the pedestrian signals.
Mobility and Access > Best Practices > 04 e
Prohibit right turn on red where there are restricted sight lines between motorists and pedestrians.
Mobility and Access > Best Practices > 04 d
Explore leading pedestrian intervals where the pedestrian WALK sign is displayed 2 to 5 seconds prior to the concurrent green interval to enable pedestrians to enter the crosswalk before the drivers turn, increasing the chances of being seen by drivers.
Mobility and Access > Best Practices > 04 c
Ensure signal timing does not hinder bicycle and foot traffic or provide insufficient crossing times.
Mobility and Access > Best Practices > 04 b
Provide short signal cycle lengths, which allow frequent opportunities to cross major roadways.
Mobility and Access > Best Practices > 04 a
Whenever feasible, provide signal progression at speeds that support the target speed of a corridor.
Urban Agriculture > Best Practices > 04 f
Consider plantings that create environments that attract and support pollinators.
Urban Agriculture > Best Practices > 04 e
Consider a variety of planting plans - from aesthetic, non-edible indigenous plants to fruits and vegetables - as a single crop and in complimentary crop patterns and relationships.


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