Green Infrastructure > Best Practices > 04 b
Install light art that can use kinetic energy from pedestrian traffic.
Green Infrastructure > Best Practices > 04 a
Use water art not only to collect runoff, but to change public perceptions about runoff.
Events and Programs > Best Practices > 04 g
Incorporate signage and wayfinding during events, i.e., devices that will accommodate banners that hang across the street at major intersections, a signage system for event directional signage, etc.
Events and Programs > Best Practices > 04 f
Design space for emergency vehicle access, especially when streets are closed, either within a street traffic lane or along the sidewalk.
Events and Programs > Best Practices > 04 e
Design for temporary and permanent utility access to power electrical systems, disposal of water including wastewater and graywater, grease from food vendors, etc.
Mobility and Access > Best Practices > 04 i
In urban areas and at locations with many crossing pedestrians, time the pedestrian phase to be on automatic recall, so pedestrians do not have to seek and push a pushbutton. Where push buttons are necessary, locate them at convenient locations.
Mobility and Access > Best Practices > 04 h
Ensure that signals detect bicycles.


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