Mobility and Access > Best Practices > 11 h
  • 11

    Manage real-time traffic and travel demand by building on the experience of recent projects in European and American cities to manage the demand for automobile and truck travel. This strategy influences travelers before they get into cars (promoting non-motorized modes and alternative destinations of travel) and provides improved options for drivers who choose to use the road system (faster routes and more reliable travel times).

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Explore road pricing schemes to modulate private automobile access to urban centers. Pricing should include incentives for changing modes or time of travel. Revenue from these schemes can be used to improve services, such as park and ride systems or public transportation (new routes, cleaner fleets and service frequency improvements). Revenue can also be used to aggressively encourage alternative modes through free or discounted public transportation passes, etc. Pricing should also take into account the benefits of reducing peak-period traffic, improving air quality, and encouraging walking and biking in the urban centers.