Mobility and Access > Best Practices > 15 k
Provide back-in diagonal parking on roads with on-street bike lanes.
Mobility and Access > Best Practices > 15 j
Explore angled parking where there is a need to maximize on-street parking.
Mobility and Access > Best Practices > 15 i
Provide appropriate ADA parking spaces.
Mobility and Access > Best Practices > 15 h
Allocate enhanced curbside parking fees to renovate or enhance the blocks where parking is located through business improvement districts. Parking can be a source of revenue for government, and if priced correctly, can fund other city priorities.
Mobility and Access > Best Practices > 15 g
Locate on-street parking to help reduce travel speeds.
Mobility and Access > Best Practices > 15 f
Reduce stall size requirements.
Mobility and Access > Best Practices > 15 e
Actively involve the adjoining merchants and property owners in the development and maintenance of the new parking occupancy policy.
Mobility and Access > Best Practices > 15 d
Survey the average occupancy at least annually and no more frequently than quarterly. Adjust the metered parking rates up or down in $0.25 intervals in order to achieve the target occupancy rate.
Mobility and Access > Best Practices > 15 c
Create a variable rate parking policy, pricing parking so as to create some available spaces most of the time and increasing parking availability and turnover.
Mobility and Access > Best Practices > 15 b
Encourage payment of parking via cellphone/smartphone, including initial payment and subsequent additional time. This can help save money by paying only for the time actually parked and allows the parker to receive text message reminders, resulting in less chance of receiving a citation.


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