Mobility and Access > Best Practices > 11 d
Provide dynamic real-time pretrip traveler information systems to clearly encourage more efficient travel, suggesting routes and times of the day that are less congested and offer more reliable travel times. Pretrip information can also influence the mode selected (e.g., public transport or carpooling) or even the destination of travel (such as working from home or shoping closer to home).
Mobility and Access > Best Practices > 11 c
On major through corridors, explore infrastructure changes such as flexible HOV lanes, HOT lanes, and expanded park and ride systems to modulate automobile use.
Mobility and Access > Best Practices > 11 b
Integrate real-time traffic management with travel demand management.
Mobility and Access > Best Practices > 11 a
Actively study and monitor the individual streets and the larger street network based on real-time conditions before coming up with specific solutions for traffic management and travel demand.
Urban Agriculture > Best Practices > 11 c
Explore incentives like reduced on-site parking and open space requirements if existing and new developments can help create significant opportunities for urban agriculture within the street right-of-way.
Urban Agriculture > Best Practices > 11 b
Where food is grown for selling, especially on residual areas next to the road, modify and change zoning regulations to allow the commercial activities of selling, buying and storing food.
Urban Agriculture > Best Practices > 11 a
Work with government agency staff to review existing regulations and how these regulations impact growing food in the streets.


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