Mobility and Access > Best Practices > 08 e
On level streets, address special needs of visually impaired people, children, people with restricted mobility, and people with learning difficulties to ensure that they are not put at increased risk. Always provide a minimum contiguous 5-foot wide ADA accessible path that has appropriate cues such as bollards, truncated domes, etc., at intersections.
Mobility and Access > Best Practices > 08 d
Integrate Naked Street principles, such as minimal use of traffic signs, road markings and other traffic management features. This encourages automobile drivers to recognize the street ROW as different from a typical road, and to react by driving more slowly and responding directly to the behavior of other users, including other automobile drivers, rather than predominantly to the traffic management features.
Mobility and Access > Best Practices > 08 c
Design streets with level surfaces such that the street surface is not physically divided by curbs or level differences into areas for particular uses.
Mobility and Access > Best Practices > 08 b
Design streets to accommodate the right mix of traffic volumes and traffic speeds (20 mph being the maximum upper threshold) to mitigate impacts to the free flow of pedestrians.
Mobility and Access > Best Practices > 08 a
Locate streets where there is a historical precedence, traditional community patterns, and where there is a need or willingness for the automobile driver to share the road.
Urban Agriculture > Best Practices > 08 f
If using existing on-site soil, conduct soil analysis regularly by a reputable lab, especially at the initial stage.
Urban Agriculture > Best Practices > 08 e
Grow crops that do not have deep roots.
Urban Agriculture > Best Practices > 08 d
Where possible, use raised beds.
Urban Agriculture > Best Practices > 08 c
Use only non-treated wood and non-toxic material where food plants are growing.


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