Commerce > Best Practices > 02 f
Avoid any protrusions into pedestrian travel ways that are higher than 27 inches, so that protrusions can be detected by someone with a visual impairment.
Commerce > Best Practices > 02 e
Ensure any signs, shade elements (such as umbrellas or trees), or other features are high enough to pose no hazard (80 inches or higher).
Commerce > Best Practices > 02 d
Make sure that there is a minimum 5-foot wide travel way for pedestrians, clear of any obstructions. Provide 8 feet minimum where possible.
Commerce > Best Practices > 02 c
Avoid incorporating any areas that are not accessible to people with disabilities.
Commerce > Best Practices > 02 b
Ensure that all pedestrian travel surfaces are firm, stable, and slip-resistant.
Commerce > Best Practices > 02 a
To ensure the street has an overarching pedestrian scale and character, maintain a maximum of two vehicle travel lanes in each direction, with each lane being a maximum of 10 feet wide.
Wayfinding > Best Practices > 02 d
Develop smart technology applications that can provide equivalent translation of wayfinding features into other languages.
Wayfinding > Best Practices > 02 c
Provide appropriate non-English translation of wayfinding elements and/or provide access to translated content. Use internationally recognizable symbols in wayfinding elements.


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